Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Um yeah...about that bird feeder...

Ok, so I realize that earlier today I highly recommended a bird feeder.  But thaaaaaaat was until they went from "nuts" to POSESSED!  The cute little birds were fun to watch and it was peaceful earlier.  But I got home this afternoon, and these birds have gotten out of control. It's like they rounded up all their mean blackbird friends and brought them all over! ugh - i'm gonna have nightmares about this if it gets worse.  And
this pic wasn't even the worst of it.  Half of them had already flown away when I got this pic.  Anyway, just had to throw that out there as a disclaimer to my earlier post.  Get a bird feeder at your own risk! :)

On a more fun note, Brooklyn went for her first wagon ride with Reed this afternoon.  Both of their faces are ridiculous.  She is ecstatic, and he is Joe Cool over there:

Ok, this one is more like Reed:

(Please excuse the non-weeded, unmulched flowerbed, and also B's random outfit!)  It's been a long day.  Ready to spend some time with my hubby and a glass of vino!


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