Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Reed 11 Weeks Old

Reed is getting so big so fast! He is about 13.5 lbs now, and smiling, laughing, and "talking" so much. He has so much to say sometimes, especially in the mornings, and he will talk to you nonstop to tell you all about his night. Most of the time, it sounds like "ah goo" and "ah ooo" but I'm sure he is telling a great story! And he kicks so fast and SO hard! If we set him upright, I think he would start walking!

He is also starting to grab for his toys. Sometimes he hits them so hard and it scares him (and he'll cry), but most of the time he likes to grab them. His eye-hand coordination is still a work in progress. He gets a very serious look on his face and concentrates very hard on getting his hand to actually grab the zebra! He always looks a little surprised after he actually makes contact with it - he still can't believe it actually worked!

Other things we love right now: we love taking baths, going for evening walks with dad rocking out to music on his iphone, sucking on his fist (he tries to fit his entire fist in his mouth), talking about the letter "R" (makes him smile every time you say it), cuddling (he likes to sleep WHILE being held, not in his own bed) and watching TV! I have to turn the TV off because he won't stop starring at it. We went to lunch the other day and he found the TV in the restaurant and watched it until we turned him around!

As for sleeping...he is sleeping better and better each week at night. He sleeps about 5 hours at a time, which I guess is technically considered "sleeping through the night" at this point, but when he goes to bed at 9pm and wakes up at 3am, it does NOT feel like he is "sleeping through the night". Usually we just pick him up and he falls right back asleep until about 6:30am. Sometimes he is still so sleepy after he eats and will go back to bed for another hour or so. So it definitely could be worse, but we are ready for him to start sleeping those 12 hour shifts!

(Check out his left hand in this pic! LOL)

He LOVES the penguins from the Precious Planet line, and he LOVES the monkey in the Rainforest line. He talks to them often, so cute!

He loves to play on his changing station!

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