Sunday, July 19, 2009

A few pics of Reed from the last few weeks!

Reed will be 7 weeks old this week!! I can't believe 7 weeks have already gone by since this little baby miracle arrived. We are having SO much fun with him.

In the past 2 weeks, he has begun focusing in on faces and his toys (he loves his musical lobster the best). He smiles so much now and loves studying every detail of people's faces and all of his toys. He pays attention when you talk to him, and it seems like he wants to talk to you too. He tries, but right now the only word he can say is "ooohh". Its so cute :)

As for eating and sleeping...he is still eating like a CHAMP! He is eating anywhere from 5oz - 7oz at each feeding! And sometimes he is STILL hungry! He gained 2.5lbs in 2 weeks. At his 4 week pediatrician visit, he weighed 9lbs, 11oz. His next doctors appt is Aug 3 - his 2 month appt!

As for sleeping...he is doing better each week. Right now, he is sleeping about 4 hours at a time. It could definitely be worse, but Jon & I are definitely ready for him to start those 8-10 hour nights!

Here are a few fun pictures of the little Reed over the past few weeks:

I'm not sure what I think about this swing thing yet...

But I do LOVE my play much to look at!

Aww, clean diaper...much better!

Too cute for words!!!

Woah, look at those Cubbies go!

This is the life...I just love to stare at my Cubbies go round and round!

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